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Permis de conduire
Situation professionnelle
Ouverte aux opportunités
  • Conduct an audit of the communication system
  • Define a communication plan
  • Manage communication plans and actions
  • Design tools to develop visibility: visual identity and website
  • Develop budgets
  • Manage social networks/editorial calendar/content creation
  • Design press kits
  • Organize press conferences
  • Moderate conferences
  • Write and design an annual report
  • Newsletter development
  • Article writing
  • Management of internal communication
  • Organization of events (national online workshop)
  • Knowledge and mastery of administrative systems and procedures (World Bank/UNESCO)
  • Organization of national awareness campaign
  • Conception de dossier de présentation d'activité
  • Création de site web
  • Video design and production
  • Organization and planning of filming logistics
  • Production and post-production coordination
  • Budget evaluation
  • Recruitment of technical service providers
  • Ensure the broadcast program
  • Writing and presentation of newspapers and news flashes
  • Conducting and transcribing interviews
  • Article writing
  • Chronicle presentation
  • Editing-Mixing-Voiceover
  • Organization of editorial conferences
  • Editorial monitoring: planning, selection of subjects and distribution, editorial secretariat
  • coordination of journalists & interface with external service providers, publication monitoring
  • Conception magazine web
  • Web magazine design
  • ENGLISH: fluent, professional practice
  • RUSSIAN: Conversation
    6 years stay in Moscow
  • Madarin: basics
    4 years stay in Moscow
  • Spanish & Portuguese: basics
    Short stays in Brazil
  • Final Cut Pro, Avid Xpress, In Design, Vuvox
  • Pack Office : bon niveau