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  • Development project financed by the World Bank.eGabon project component 1 (eGabon-SIS): for the computerization of Gabon's health system with a view to improving patient careeGabon project Component 2 (DEIN) : to develop an ecosystem and build an innovative digital economy serving the populations
  • CAB4 Gabon project objective is to increase the geographical coverage of the use of high capacity bandwidth networks and reducing the costs of communication services on the territory of the Gabonese Republic
  • Promotional film production - Digital University 2016 - MEDEF
  • Edition: Plume - "Second Wife" - Yasmine Ajami - Testimony - EDITION Michalon
  • Corporate film production - Training "A'Venir Etre en Entreprise"
  • TV news presentation
  • Treatment of political, economic, cultural, pan-African and international sports news