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Permis de conduire
Situation professionnelle
Ouverte aux opportunités
  • Development project financed by the World Bank.eGabon project component 1 (eGabon-SIS): for the computerization of Gabon's health system with a view to improving patient careeGabon project Component 2 (DEIN) : to develop an ecosystem and build an innovative digital economy serving the populations
  • CAB4 Gabon project objective is to increase the geographical coverage of the use of high capacity bandwidth networks and reducing the costs of communication services on the territory of the Gabonese Republic
  • Promotional film production - Digital University 2016 - MEDEF
  • Edition: Plume - "Second Wife" - Yasmine Ajami - Testimony - EDITION Michalon
  • Corporate film production - Training "A'Venir Etre en Entreprise"
  • TV news presentation
  • Treatment of political, economic, cultural, pan-African and international sports news

Master in Multimedia Journalism

International Institute of Communication of Paris- IICP

Octobre 2011 à septembre 2012
Decryption of information and its processing depending on the medium, the public and technical means. Improvement of journalistic writing

MBA International Business

Paris Higher School of Management - ESGCI

2007 à 2009
Objective: train business engineers and negotiators with diversified skills likely to evolve in multinationals or internationally oriented SMEs-SMIs
  • Conduct an audit of the communication system
  • Define a communication plan
  • Manage communication plans and actions
  • Design tools to develop visibility: visual identity and website
  • Develop budgets
  • Manage social networks/editorial calendar/content creation
  • Design press kits
  • Organize press conferences
  • Moderate conferences
  • Write and design an annual report
  • Newsletter development
  • Article writing
  • Management of internal communication
  • Organization of events (national online workshop)
  • Knowledge and mastery of administrative systems and procedures (World Bank/UNESCO)
  • Organization of national awareness campaign
  • Conception de dossier de présentation d'activité
  • Création de site web
  • Video design and production
  • Organization and planning of filming logistics
  • Production and post-production coordination
  • Budget evaluation
  • Recruitment of technical service providers
  • Ensure the broadcast program
  • Writing and presentation of newspapers and news flashes
  • Conducting and transcribing interviews
  • Article writing
  • Chronicle presentation
  • Editing-Mixing-Voiceover
  • Organization of editorial conferences
  • Editorial monitoring: planning, selection of subjects and distribution, editorial secretariat
  • coordination of journalists & interface with external service providers, publication monitoring
  • Conception magazine web
  • Web magazine design
  • ENGLISH: fluent, professional practice
  • RUSSIAN: Conversation
    6 years stay in Moscow
  • Madarin: basics
    4 years stay in Moscow
  • Spanish & Portuguese: basics
    Short stays in Brazil
  • Final Cut Pro, Avid Xpress, In Design, Vuvox
  • Pack Office : bon niveau
  • Club member "Les déterminés"- "Entrepreneurship for all"
  • Club member Give1Project
    For youth entrepreneurship and leadership in a global perspective